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 Structure:关键蛋白或助力新型抗生素开发之路 - 宝芝林网上药店



时间: 2016-09-17 16:05:01


2016年9月4日 讯 /BIOON/ --近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Structure上的研究报告中,来自俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员通过研究首次对过氧化物氧化还原酶(peroxiredoxin,一种抗氧化蛋白)进行了原子水平的成像以及详细解析,研究者指出,解析该蛋白质的特性或有望开发出新一代抗生素。



随着抗生素耐药性的不断增加,这种方法或许具有一定的意义,而且其还可以同当前的抗生素通力协作来改善抵御耐药性细菌感染的效力;文章作者Arden Perkins指出,过氧化物氧化还原酶在动物、植物、细菌中非常常见,其对于细胞分裂至关重要,而且可以通过将过氧化氢转化成水来消除过氧化氢,过氧化氢是正常细胞代谢的副产品,因此细胞必须去除过氧化氢以保证其不会损伤细胞,如果过氧化物氧化还原酶不能履行其正常功能的话,细胞就会死亡。



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Peroxiredoxin Catalysis at Atomic Resolution

Arden Perkins, Derek Parsonage, Kimberly J. Nelson, O. Maduka Ogba, Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong, Leslie B. Poole, P. Andrew Karplus4

Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are ubiquitous cysteine-based peroxidases that guard cells against oxidative damage, are virulence factors for pathogens, and are involved in eukaryotic redox regulatory pathways. We have analyzed catalytically active crystals to capture atomic resolution snapshots of a PrxQ subfamily enzyme (from Xanthomonas campestris) proceeding through thiolate, sulfenate, and sulfinate species. These analyses provide structures of unprecedented accuracy for seeding theoretical studies, and reveal conformational intermediates giving insight into the reaction pathway. Based on a highly non-standard geometry seen for the sulfenate intermediate, we infer that the sulfenate formation itself can strongly promote local unfolding of the active site to enhance productive catalysis. Further, these structures reveal that preventing local unfolding, in this case via crystal contacts, results in facile hyperoxidative inactivation even for Prxs normally resistant to such inactivation. This supports previous proposals that conformation-specific inhibitors may be useful for achieving selective inhibition of Prxs that are drug targets.

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